For Individuals-Vocational Stewardship


Are you …

•Experiencing discontent or frustration in some aspect of your life?

•Thrown off balance by a significant disruption in your work or relational world?

•Sensing that there is something more but have no clear path to discover what that is or how to get there?

Then you are ready for the Tamim Journey:

a  process that includes self discovery, vocational integration and steps towards clarity and wholeness.

Focused on these questions:

•Who am I? and who am I becoming?

•What is shaping me?

•What matters most to me?

•What do I really want for myself and for those I care most about?


Vocational Stewardship Process

Typically a 6-9 month engagement*

that includes:

•Self discovery through assessments, self reflection and deep listening

•Clarifying what matters most

•Integration and Refinement

•Defining clear next steps

*Ongoing monthly coaching available as a phase II